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Konsum und Kreativität.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
CHF 30,00
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783837628654
Auflage: 1. Auflage


Cultural studies concerned with consumerism have long been overshadowed by a cultural critique that regarded consumers as seduced and passive rather than as creative and inventive. But in fact, the treatment of purchasable goods encompasses strange practices, such as the curating and combining of products and their redesigning appropriation - be it with subversive, personalizing, or artistic intentions. Furthermore, consumers are increasingly involved in product development as co-creators. The contributions to this volume address these creative aspects of consumption and are supplemented by a conversation with the sculptor Thomas Rentmeister on his artistic treatment of consumer goods.


Dirk Hohnsträter (Dr. phil.) leitet die Forschungsstelle Konsumkultur am Institut für Medien, Theater und Populäre Kultur der Universität Hildesheim.

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